
OxyGeneo is an innovative technology for skin exfoliation (removal of dead skin cells from the skin surface), improving skin oxygen levels and infusion of essential nutrients to enrich the skin. The simultaneous skin exfoliation along with skin oxygenation optimizes the absorption of the valuable components in our nutrient-rich gels into the skin.

We offer anti- aging and skin brightening treatments. The treatment entails three steps and takes an hour. We combine our treatment with tripolar ultrasonic radio frequency for better results. There is no down time after treatment.  You may experience a warm sensation after the session. The treatment provides a smoother complexion and younger looking skin. The results can be seen within 2-3 days after the treatment and the effects could last for two weeks. For better results, we would advise four sessions spaced at two to three weeks intervals. In order to maintain the best results, we would advise you to repeat the treatment every month.

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