Tips to keep your skin healthy and glowing this Monsoon

Monsoon season is finally here and it is a relief from the days of scorching heat and summer. Those cold showers come with a breath of joy and tranquillity. It is a season where we can sit, relax and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with a lip-smacking snack. 

But trust us when we say this. The season that looks like it is filled with an aura of happiness can prove to be a bit dodgy for our skin. Constant rains can cause higher humid weather than usual, and that is a piece of bad news for our skin. Humidity and damp weather can cause acne, skin lesions, and allergies, which need to be addressed and taken care of. 

As per the change in weather, the skincare routine needs to be updated. You can’t follow the same skincare that you followed for summer and expect magnificent results during monsoon. That is not how it works. Monsoon skincare needs to be distinguished and addressed as per your skin type. Here are a few tips you can follow to get your skin going in this rainy season. 


Do not compromise on your CTM (Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise) routine.

We know that the rainy season can make us lazy with its gloomy weather. But do not hoist it as an excuse to skip your CTM routine. The humidity and extra moisture in the weather are bad news for people with oily skin making their skin more oily than usual. This results in the accumulation of dirt in the skin that eventually leads to clogging your pores. With a proper skincare regime, we can get past this. Monsoon doesn’t bear problems for oily skin alone. Even for people with dry skin, the season brings its fickleness. Hence do not skip on your CTM. 


Use non-comedogenic products 

Monsoon can make dry skin extremely dry and oily skin extremely oily. This is why one should switch to non-comedogenic products irrespective of their skin type. So if you are wondering what non-comedogenic products are, they are the products that do not clog your pores. Non-comedogenic products have the potential to make dry skin well moisturized and supple and oily skin acne-free. Today, there are a lot of brands in the market that sell non-comedogenic skincare products. Next time when you go shopping for your skincare, make sure they are non-comedogenic. 


Don’t skip SPF

We know that Monsoon is all about cloudy and gloomy weather. But that doesn’t mean you can skip on your sunscreen. Sunscreen stands as a shield to combat harmful UV rays. So even if it’s cloudy outside, the UV rays could cause great damage to your skin which will eventually result in early signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles. We repeat again, DO NOT SKIP SPF!


Gentle exfoliation can make a huge difference. 

Try to do gentle exfoliation once or twice a week to get rid of dead cells. Exfoliation must be done with utmost care. Do not use harsh scrubs and rub them aggressively on your skin. It would result in redness or worse bruises. So gentle exfoliation is the key. 


Drink lots of water and eat healthily

We often tend to skip drinking an ample amount of water during rains and cold winters. It is not that we deliberately skip it, but our system doesn’t feel thirsty enough to drink water every hour. Irrespective of the climatic conditions, it is important to hydrate ourselves with the right amount of water. Consume healthy fruits and vegetables for nourishing your skin and hair. If you do not drink enough water and eat healthily, it can take a toll on your skin as well as your hair. At the end of the day, it is always said that what goes in comes out. 

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